Welcome to the Tampa Alcohol Coalition

Are You Concerned About Underage
Drinking and Impaired Driving?
Tampa Alcohol Coalition's (TAC) mission
is to prevent underage drinking and impaired driving.TAC is a subcommittee of the Hillsborough County Anti Drug Alliance (HCADA). Get involved- come
to a TAC meeting to learn more about underage drinking, impaired
driving, responsible vendor training, and safe rides. Network with other
concerned citizens- including parents, students, university
administrators, business owners and law enforcement officers.
Go to Events
for TAC monthly meeting dates, locations and times. To contact TAC,
click here.
Learn more about your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and alcohol safety W atch Your BAC" If you go out and have a few drinks, make sure you use a designated driver or call for a safe ride. Don't be that DUI Guy- call a safe ride.
Tow to Go
The Auto Club Group and Bud Light provide the Tow to Go service to discourage an intoxicated driver from getting behind the wheel and risking the lives and safety of other motorists. Not only does Tow to Go remove the intoxicated driver—it also enables AAA and Bud Light to remind the public to always choose a designated driver for a safe ride home.
Get a Safe Ride- No Excuses!
Many celebrate holidays with alcoholic beverages but we all need to plan ahead. Safe transportation options abound: Uber. Lyft, taxi cabs, AAA Tow To Go and sober designated drivers. There is no excuse for impaired driving. Don't risk DUI arrest or even worse an alcohol related crash. Have fun but stay safe.
Lightning Foundation Community Hero Award 2021 Ellen Snelling, Chair of Tampa Alcohol Coalition and Board chair of the Hillsborough County Anti Drug Alliance received a $50,000 donation from the Lightning Foundation and the Lightning Community Heroes program on October 28, 2021. Snelling will donate the funds to the Hillsborough County Anti-Drug Alliance (HCADA). HCADA's substance abuse coalitions reach thousands of teens across Hillsborough County every school year. The organization focuses on drug and alcohol education, works to prevent underage drinking and helps youths with life skills, positive motivation and mental wellness. Thanks to Jeff Vinik, the Lightning Foundation, Elizabeth Frazier and Jabil for their support and generosity!
Upcoming TAC Meetings 2025: TAC meets on the third Tuesday of each month at Tampa Police Department, District 2 at 3:00 pm. Next meetings will be held on: February 11, March 18, April 15 , May 20, June 17, July 15, August 19, September 16, October 21, November 18.
Florida Traffic Crash Facts 2019 Hillsborough County is #1 in DUI arrests, alcohol related crashes, injuries and fatalities. What can be done to bring these numbers down? Join Tampa Alcohol Coalition and help us fight underage drinking and impaired driving!
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office annual SAVE responsible vendor recognition was awarded in July 2016 to the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tampa (media release) for their responsible vendor practices and work to reduce DUI and underage drinking in 2015. For the second time in five years, Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tampa has received the prestigious S.A.V.E. Award (Sheriff’s Alcohol Vendor Enforcement) from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office.The award was presented to the property for their continued efforts in being a responsible vendor on the consumption of alcohol. The Sheriff’s Office singled out the property’s effort to train more than 455 of its staff and personnel about the dangers of over serving patrons.
Did you know that nearly 21 people die in Florida every day from a drug overdose?
Opioid drug overdose deaths surged in Florida in 2020. Florida ranks second in the nation for overdose deaths, behind only California. In 2020, 7,579 people died from a drug overdose, an increase of 37% from 2019. In Hillsborough County, 538 people died from an overdose, up 74% from 2019.
2021 Florida Alcohol Legislation
Florida legilsators passed a 'drinks-to-go' bill, SB 148, this session and the governor signed the bill into law. During the pandemic, Governor DeSantis allowed restaurants to sell and deliver take-out alcoholic beverges including cocktails to help the businesses economically. The governor stated he would support making the change permanent. Coalitions expressed concerns about increased alcohol availability and possible increased underage access. The bill was amended with added safeguards but likely more are needed. Artlcle on Drinks-to-Go with testimony by coalition member Teresa Miller
Open House Party Law
Click here for more information about Florida's open house party law. Parents and other adults need to be aware that it is against the law to allow underage drinking parties in Florida!
Profile of Alcohol and Drug Indicators for Hillsborough County
University of South Florida researchers Dr.
Kathleen Moore and Melissa Carlson conducted a community substance abuse
assessment of Hillsborough County for the Hillsborough County Anti Drug
Alliance. Check out the latest edition of our Hillsborough County Profile of Alcohol and Drug Indicators 2022
Florida Alcohol Laws
Are you up to date on Florida's alcohol laws?
Click here for the current Florida alcoholic beverage statutes.
Do you know the penalties for driving under the influence in Florida? Click here for a link to Florida DUI laws Did you know Florida is one of only 2 states that does not have a law forbidding alcohol service or sales to a person who is obviously intoxicated? This is a huge gap in Florida alcohol laws. Here is a resource on model laws to prevent Alcohol Sales to Intoxicated Persons

Gasparilla Parade Policy
DUI Education: The Megan Napier Foundation http://themeagannapierfoundation.com/
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
If you or someone you know has been
affected by a drunk driving crash, MADD can help:
Has your drinking led to health,
legal, social or financial problems?
If you want to stop
drinking, there is a world of help and support available. Call Alcoholics Anonymous at 813-933-9123 or
go to the website for meeting times/ locations in the Tampa area:
Tri-County Central Office of
Alcoholics Anonymous
Why age 21?
The Amethyst Initiative advocates for opening a debate about the legal drinking age. A group
130 college presidents have signed on to this initiative, because they
say the 21 drinking age "is not working". The Initiative suggests that lowering the drinking age might
help reduce high risk drinking and encourage "more responsible" drinking by
persons under the age of 21. But, research shows that when the drinking age was lowered to
18 years old in many states in the 70's, there was an increase in teen
binge drinking and a jump in alcohol related injuries and fatalities in
the 16 to 20 year old age group. Then in the 1980's, when the age was
increased to 21, binge drinking and alcohol-related crash rates fell.
TAC supports the minimum drinking age of 21 because it saves lives. The
Amethyst Initiative and the resulting media coverage gives coalitions a
great opportunity to advocate for more effective science-based
strategies to prevent high-risk drinking.
The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office
"BATmobile" Breath Testing vehicle is ready for action at the June 20, 2008
DUI checkpoint hosted by Tampa Police Department on the Courtney
Campbell Causeway. See Events for photos from
the July 4th DUI Checkpoint in Tampa.HCSO DUI Squad Calendar
for dates of upcoming DUI checkpoints and saturations.
Alcohol and the Teen Brain
According to the New York Times article
The Grim Neurology of Teenage Drinking, a young person's brain
is still developing into the early twenties, and underage drinking can
adversely affect the developing brain. "There is no doubt about it now: there are
long-term cognitive consequences to excessive drinking of alcohol in
adolescence," said Aaron White, an assistant research professor in the
psychiatry department at Duke University. For more information on
alcohol's effects on the brain and underage drinking research, Dr. White is a member of a NIAAA team that researches underage drinking. NIAAA Underage Drinking Research Initiative.
Alcohol Environment
One approach for reducing
alcohol and other drug problems is community-based prevention programs.
These programs focus on changing the environment in which a person
consumes alcohol rather than the behavior of the individual drinker. Increasing enforcement of underage drinking laws, restricting cheap and
free drink specials and changing the bar entrance age to 21 and up are
all effective ways to change the alcohol environment and reduce youth access to alcohol.
Community Coalitions that focus on underage drinking can make a big
impact on changing the alcohol environment.
Florida Alcohol Laws
Florida alcohol laws are not as strict as
other states. In Florida, 18 year olds can patronize and work in bars.
There are no restrictions on "drink specials" such as "Kill the Keg" and
Ladies Drink Free". Bars can offer drinking games such as "beer pong".
Florida is one of only 3 states in the US that do not have a criminal
law against serving obviously intoxicated persons. Florida's dram shop
law is weak; it states that bar employees who serve obviously intoxicated persons
over age 21 are not civilly liable (unless the intoxicated person
is a habitual drunkard).Learn more about Florida Alcohol Policy and
policy resources for coalitions, click on the TAC
Alcohol Policy Page.
Report underage drinking parties, bars that allow underage drinking and alcohol sales to minors:
HCSO CrimeStoppers Tips Line: 1-800-873-TIPS
(for Hillsborough County) Or click here to report an anonymous tip line

Tragic End to the Life of a Public Servant

Early in the morning on Wednesday, August
15, 2007, Sergeant Ronald Harrison, supervisor of the Hillsborough
County Sheriff's Office 3 D DUI squad was shot and killed after
completing a successful DUI checkpoint in Brandon. The man who murdered
Sgt. Harrison had a high blood alcohol level, according to the medical
examiner report. Sergeant Harrison
served the Sheriff's Office for more than 27 years, and was active on
several boards and community groups, including the Tampa Alcohol
Coalition. He dedicated his life to public safety. Ron Harrison will be
greatly missed. Read the reflections about Sgt. Ron Harrison on his Officer Down Memorial Page
Do you drink too much? Find out by
taking the quiz below. Click on "Is my drinking risky?"

Tampa Alcohol Coalition is
a subcommittee of the Hillsborough County Anti Drug Alliance.
you have questions about Tampa Alcohol Coalition or comments on this website? Contact